Friday, May 29, 2009

BP2 - 24 MEI 2009 : AHAD SIANG

I woke up panicking... felt like the eyepad was off & the right eye felt *dried.
Oh My God.. Oh My God..
Quickly reached out for the artificial tear & squirted few drops into the eye.

(*I have high hopes, motivated with full recovery stories told to me, eg about husbands of friends... & even RS the communicator, that my speech would get back to normal sooner or later.
But the eye... an infection, a scratched cornea, etc... that would be another story!
To be honest, I've always been very protective & concerned over my eyes. )

Prepared for solat subuh, though of course spent more than a few minutes trying to make faces in front of the mirror in the bathroom!
Nope, no changes.

Suami was already out at the Old Town market. Looked in at the kids & they were back at sleep. Got myself ready for a walk at the nearby park, bringing along my handphone.
Left a note on the wall to Suami about where I was going.

As I was walking towards the park, I kept humming Louis Armstrong's WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD:

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"
They're really saying "I love you"
I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Oh yeah!

I walked 1 round, did 2 rounds of walking on the reflexology stone path... then sat down on a bench.
I knew, I had to start sms-ing the others about my condition. Aaah....

1st sms: Apologizing to a family friend for our absentism from the wedding reception & to tell him that Saadah actually *kirim hadiah. I mentioned "Manusia rancang, ALLAH swt tentukan". Saadah got a cc of the sms.

(*I remembered sms-ing him last week to confirm attendance & rushing off to MJ at Mega Mall after Maghrib, to buy the wedding gift from the family & also buying one on Saadah's behalf.)

2nd sms & on were to siblings, each starting with "FYI:..." & the content was similar to the one I sent to Khalil.
I ended each sms with : "TQ atas doa muga pulih sepenuhnya ASAP, InsyaAllah. Pagi kami hantar Amzar ke Matrikulasi UIA"
That last sentence will stop them rushing to see me in the morning & a few hours into the afternoon.
That will give me sometime... I don't really know for what. BUT I know that I need the time.

Then to a few close friends (Manis, Rohaida, Nina, Jie, Brunei... even to MR). I had to of course started answering all sorts of questions... snippets of my answers (throughout the day, actually...):

- Me... yang ada course Diseases of the Nervous System ;p So, kurang risau X tentu pasal, but I also know it when doctor makes empty promises. Anyway, nak kena.. kena juga. Redha aja dugaan...

- Dulu masa @US, telinga kanan juga kena attack by virus. Yang tu jenis kena vertigo.. semua berpusing. Terbaring dekat sebulan. Ini I can still move around.

- So, now I have medical reason, pula!

- InsyaAllah, adalah hikmahnya. For one, now I have a medical reason to turn down... macam dah nak kena... Tok Mak @ Bt20

- Lepas cuti sabatikal, jawatan 'suruh' terima: Pegang balik KA (he.. he..), TPs.. Priority Tok Mak; masa Tok Ayah tak ada...

- Yes, it's serious. Drink with straw, me-family have to adjust to my speech.

- Started treatment quick + on right track. Full recovery varies; a few weeks, months to years!

- In KL, viral flu causing havoc.. macam-macam jenis, some had it bad. With me sebuk... so X ambil kisah sakit telinga 2 days ago. Thought part of body-joint aches due to viral flu. Was lethargic for about 2-3 weeks.

- I'm going about as usual, but can't speak well. OKlahtu :p

- Check on YOU TUBE, lots of examples

By then Suami had joined me at the park & did his rounds. Informed him that I told people already...

Went back & had lontong, etc that Suami bought :)
Kids up & about to send the brother.



Helped Amzar with final packing. He insisted that he only wanted to bring 2 bags (one was the bag he bought from trip to Bandung with Suami last week) & NO BANTAL (even though it's on the check list) .
"Mama... Amzar dah berpengalaman duduk asrama. Dekat ASiS tu bantal penuh satu stor. Orang wakaf saja..."

10:30 am : Suami made sure photos taken, etc & we left to send our first born to his post-school life.

WOW... there were signs which started on the main road even from the junction near our housing area... cars double parked lining the roads in front of the main campus... the happy faces of parents, families & of course "the grown ups".

Back to the Bell's Palsy patient & her family:
We stayed away from sitting under the canopy with the group of parents. I was not ready to make little conversation & having those socializing with me working hard to understand what I was saying.

We stayed busy reading Sunday papers at a marble bench near by.
My group of graduate students have stumbled into the e mail I sent them last night, got first response from Mieza:
Salam.. Dr, sorry to hear about your condition.. Semoga Dr tabah hadapi dugaan daripadaNya. Hope you'll soon be feeling fine & enjoying better health again. Take good care & rest =)

Received others with similar content, mostly urging me to remain strong. Some even relaying messages from their mothers. Soke Chee's had extra information:
Dr, I had heard about medical condition similar to yours in my hometown cured by acupuncture in TS Hospital. Would like to share this information with you :)

All this time, Suami of course was busy snapping away pictures... even dari celah grill. Adoi, Baba...

I told Amzar, "If people give you the looks... just say, I'm the eldest & so this is a happy day for my father!"
I was happy & pround to see that Amzar was cool about the whole thing, he thought it was funny too & he was NOT embarassed by his Baba's actions!
Kasi chance lah kat Baba :)

I told Aiman, "Baba will do the same thing when it's your time. Just say: I'm his baby boy & so this is my father's happy day!"

Then I told Durrah, "Baba will also do the same when it's your time. Tell people: I'm his youngest & so my father is very happy today!"

The whole registration & *opening of bank account went quite quickly! Congrats Matrikulasi UIA!

(*Wanted to give him the rest of his hadiah for the 8A1 & 1A2 he got. He already took some to shop a couple of times...)

Then off to to the dorm... 4th floor & mengenjot memanjat tangga! Adoi!

All the 2 persons per room in 'no. 401 apartment' were taken.
Left was one room with 2 double deckers & another was a makeshift room with 1 single bed.
After the whole family tested the beds (of course with Baba taking more pictures), Amzar agreed it should be the latter.
THE funny thing was: NO BANTAL! Hah!

We decided to go for lunch at a place where we could get for Amzar a pillow & some clothes hangers & antibiotics for the ear plus more artificial tear for me. The fluid for the eye that I was using had preservatives & it was causing allergic reaction.
So, here we go to... where else but to AMCORP!

Aiman kept repeating with big smiles on his face of his amazement that Amzar's place was SO close to everything, even to their Samad School.
I thought, "So... he was affected by the idea that Amzar would be gone again..."

Anyway, celebratory lunch at KR, only got the artificial tear off the counter & not the antibiotics since the pharmacist had just gone out for lunch.
As for Amzar, he instead got for himself a Giordano t-shirt on sale.
Yes, back HOME to get the pillow!
Since Amzar needed to go back only at 5pm, he snoozed at the brown sofa, solat zohor, then continued on at the striped sofa.
Penatnya pelajar matrikulasi... baru pendaftaran!

After Asr, only me & Suami sent him off. We dropped him off in front of the gate. Aiman & Durrah were too tired & furthermore they had sent him all the way to his room.
So, one tanggungjawab for the weekend was settled, Alhamdulillah.

Next, back to Amcorp as I really wanted to get the antibiotics for the ear.
Sorry, they don't have it. I guess, I would just get it from UMMC on Monday during my first physiotherapy session.

When we arrived home... Refering to TAF parked in front of the house, Suami said, "Your sister is here..."
Kak Ijah was sitting facing towards the door & I thought she had this unsure with a tinge of sadness look on her face & Abang Fozi was sitting at the sofa.

So, stories were exchanged at the round table which had heard so many happy-sad-gossipy-you name it stories since 1995 when it joined the GI household. If only the table could talk...

Rahil, Zaidi & Ayrah later joined. Even the 1 year old plus cucu Ayrah looked anxiously at her WanZ & (we thought) she said, "Napanya?"

Rahil suggested that I just pulled the end part of my the right side of my lips when I wanted to pronounced anything with "B" & "P" which I had most troubled with. It helped!

They left since it was close to Maghrib.


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