Sunday, July 26, 2009

BP65 - 26 JULAI 2009 : AHAD

The rain started early in the morning. I thought, "Hey... today would be a good day to buy 'the hard to get because the line's too long' Section 14 lontong! People would be too lazy to go out in the rain!"

I was no. 3 in the queue. I could have been no. 2 or no. 1, but I went first to buy Metro Ahad thinking that I would need something to pass the time.

When life gives you lemons... make lemonade!

I managed to do work... fighting off sleep most of the time but I succeed! I must be getting better, Alhamdulillah :)

Haris (son in law of Ibu Noraini, sister of Paman Salleh) called informing that he would be in UPM till Wednesday. He called from KLCC but he didn't know the program scheduled for him & 39 others who came along with him.

I thought of going to KLCC by LRT after 'Asr. He was supposed to call back so that arrangements could be made. Well, I fell asleep on the floor till 6.30pm while reading through Khairuddin's proposal! Zzz...

Osh-Azmi & kids dropped in on way back to Ipoh, after visiting Hanan. Then, Una-Mat & Syabil @ Uncle Pet (who'll be turning 4 years old next month!) came. Una's BP was pretty high (160/100). However, her pulse is low <70... that helps!

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